Monday, September 8, 2008

09.08.2008 Monday

hey ya'll.

Its kinda wierd to type norwegian again, long time since I've left a "message" here!

for those who don't know this, I have started running cross country! and it's fun, we were suppose to have a carwash on saturday, but Hurricane Hanna came and ruined our weekend!

SO school is going fine! only good grades so far. I even got the highest score in Marketing! The project was to do a presentation of something ( marketing a thing) I picked the brand new Corvette Zr1 and nailed evrybody! it's proparbly your skills dad. cuz they were impressed!

oh well, yesterday I went out with Amber, Nina, Ryan and stephanie to a sushi bar after church. I only had smoked salmon, cuz I miss it! and it was goooooood!!

On upcomign friday I'm going to first football game, and I'm soo looking forward to it!
Many in my weightlifting class is on the team, and they invited me.
Oh! and last week, we had a test in Weightlifting and I did 105 ibs (ca.48 kg) and for those who do not know this, its actually almost my weight. so that's kinda cool :)

I sit beside two boys in my spanish class, and we started talking about holiday's ect. and both of them looked at eachother when I asked them if Independence day was a holiday. cuz they didn't know what date or mark the independence day was!! ( and that's like their national day) haha..
4th of july btw.

Well, that's about it.

hope eveything is going fine home!

-Elise <3

Monday, September 1, 2008


Idag stod jeg opp tidlig, for jeg og noen andre skulle til stranden, men det ble avlyst for bilen til clay sluker bensin pluss Debbie og David ville ikke jeg skulle gaa for det hadde vaert 88 redningsepisoder pga ripcurl..
Det var litt bad.
Jeg fikk nettopp beskjed at vi blir evakuert neste helg, Hurricane Hanna is coming to tooown!
saa vi maa opp i fjellene.
denne siden kan dere foelge med paa stormene som kommer.

Igaar var jeg ute med noen venner. vi saa film og kjoerte rundt :)
Jeg vet mamma sier "YESS" naar jeg sier de er hvite americanere.

foerste uken paa skolen hadde jeg 5 proever, denne uken som kommer vet jeg at det skal skje masse, men skolen kommer nok til aa stenge i loepet av uken. (hurricane)

Seee yaaaa <3